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Creating SPACE
Providing SUPPORT

As human-service professionals, we are called to the work of human science.


We need and deserve professional education experiences that strategically support and help us sustain our mental health, emotional vitality, and a deep sense of purpose amidst the complex forces of stress and pressure that accompanies the work we do in the world.


The Light You CastTM is designed specifically to nurture, develop, inspire, and enhance the human-being behind the human-service work through research-backed mental health and well-being practices that enable one to feel purposeful in one's calling while simultaneously being present for those in one's care.


Our modern world unconsciously conveys a dangerous myth that "self-care" is selfish, indulgent, or unnecessary. It is imperative that we deliberately dismantle and debunk this myth, especially in human-service based professions. 


 Human-science proves that our energy is contagious. Our presence makes an immediate impact on the spaces we enter and on the relationships we engage with those in our care. If we feel numb and disconnected from our selves, our health, and our power (*all symptoms of burnout), it will be impossible to form bonds and connections with others that inspire them to thrive. 


It is through engaging in strategic, science-based practices that are proven to enhance mental health, emotional intelligence, and self-knowledge that we are then, and only then, able to model mental health and mirror back to others their greatness and potential.



A Supportive Hug

Core Competencies

All core content sessions are customized to intentionally and scientifically cultivate the core competencies of healthy, present caregivers through our signature Burn Clean CycleTM 


 * Soul Health *

Body trust, self-trust, self-authority, and self-witnessing


* Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) *

Self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, relationship skills,

social awareness


* ​Mindful Awareness *

Attention, intention, attitude ​


* Resonance and Relationship Resilience*

Other-awareness, perspective taking, truth telling, integrity, unconditional positive regard

Burning Out to Burning Bright

Burning Balanced
not out

The core focus of any IN-PESON professional learning and development experience is creating space for staff to learn how to BURN BALANCED, instead of burn out by default.


 Burning Balanced is a manifestation of engaging mental health and well-being practices, rituals, and perspectives. We know from trauma-based research that our mental health and well-being depend on the things that happen to us, how we make sense of those things, and how we respond to them.


The Light You CastTM professional education and development creates SPACE and provides strategic, science-based SUPPORT for our human-service professionals to bring more, not less of themselves, into their work by burning balanced. We use a salutogenic, human-centered approach that focuses on magnifying the origins of one's mental health and resilience to heal, treat, and prevent burnout through understanding these foundational mental health | well-being principles:


1 | Human beings are hardwired for health.


2 | Mindset matters most in how we make meaning.


3 | Social context and relational health create the conditions for mental health and well-being


Burn Clean.png
Young Professor

"Thank you for reminding me of how much power I have over myself.You brought me back to the present, put me back in touch with my body, and made things real for me again."
Middle School Educator

Core Restoration Practices

Whether your desired professional learning experience for your staff is 60 minute or 6 hours, we will engage and experience the 3 core pillars of MENTAL HEALTH and WELL-BEING that give rise to burning balanced.


Healing Pillar

 Regulate Nervous System 

Engage trauma-informed, mindfulness-based body-centered practices that harmonize, soothe, and regulate the nervous system and strengthen physical health.


Healing Pillar

 Making Meaning | Integration

Consciously metabolize

mental and emotional stress through our signature cognitive - behavioral process to strengthen perspective taking, clear thinking, emotional awareness, and positive behavioral patterns that align with core values.


Healing Pillar

 Connection with Others

Cultivate social intelligence and relationship skills to see, sense and respond to another's behavioral cues without taking it personally while creating resonate relationship patterns where others feel valued and visible.


The Light You Cast™ 

teaches the science of relationships and is based on:


Healing-Centered Design


Resonant Leadership Theory

Social and Emotional Learning Theory

Interpersonal Neurobiology

Attachment Theory

Books and Branch

Core Curriculum

The Light You Cast™

teaches the science of relationships and is based on:


Interpersonal Neurobiology

Healing-Centered Design


Social Emotional Learning Theory

Restorative Practice

Trauma-Responsive Care

Somatic Practice

Attachment Theory

Every IN-PERSON experience includes

In-Person Experience

Direct instruction on current, evidence-based knowledge and research about burnout, compassion fatigue, human resilience, and mental health for human-service caregivers.

Trauma-responsive somatic practices that strengthen the parasympathetic nervous system's relaxation response, calm a busy mind, and restore inner balance and harmony.

Beautifully illustrated Put Into Practice training handbook that outlines detailed application practices to integrate into one's daily life in their caregiving role.

Personal reflection and peer connection time for personal and team integration.

Teacher and Student

"I have taught in the district since 1997, and truly, your one hour session was the best in all my years here.

Many times teachers forget to care for themselves and use up all their energy at work. It is nice to know we have "permission" to take care of ourselves. Of course we know we should take care of ourselves, but sometimes we put the students' needs first and forget we can't continue to help them  if we don't help and take care of ourselves too."

High School Teacher

Customize Your PD Offering

The Light You Cast™ is a professional development experience that will be customized to fit the unique professional learning needs around MENTAL HEALTH, WELL-BEING, and BURNOUT PREVENTION for your staff given their unique context in which they work and serve others.


Connect with Jen for a complimentary brainstorm session where you share your desires, needs, and wants for your staff professional learning.

Decide on your desired session length --

90 minutes, 2-3 hours, 4-6 hours

Jen crafts a customized session proposal that summarizes the mental health and burnout prevention topic(s) of focus, the primary objectives, and the desired outcomes.

Book a Free Consultation

Schedule a complimentary 1-on-1 with Dr. Jen to learn more about how we can undo burnout in your team or organization.

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