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The Light You Cast 

Immediate and ongoing healing, help, and support at your fingertips.


Support yourself, your entire staff, or cohort of peers (PLC style) with an easy access, self-paced resource that provides structured and sustained mental health, emotional resilience, and relational health principles, perspectives, and practices that heal and prevent burnout by​


  • bringing balance back into your body, your mind, and your work/personal life,

  • increasing internal stress-resilience capacities that nurture and develop self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-efficacy, 

  • building boundaries that protect the self from experiencing the harmful impact of low self-efficacy, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and moral injury.​​​​​​​

Laptop Plant Reflection

The Light You CastTM
DEMO Curriculum

​​This DEMO curriculum is designed to provide you immediate mindbodysoul support if you are feeling the effects of burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral injury. It is also designed to give you a taste of our signature The Light You CastTM ON-DEMAND training.


In this DEMO experience, you will be able to:


  • Experience the curriculum on our easy-to-engage platform supported by PlayPosit

  • Explore portions of the Education Videos for:

    • Module 2 | Transforming Time Stress

    • Module 5 | Soothing Shame through Self-Compassion

    • Module 6 | The Gentle Power of the Wounded Healer

  • Experience full Movement Videos for both Module 2 & Module 6

  • Explore Sample "Put Into Practice" PDF Handouts for Module 2, 5, 6


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